Thursday, January 21, 2010

Poll #1: Best Stache of 2009

Ben Weisz
Josh Albrecht and Freddy Relish's Right Eye
Creed from the Office
Marty and Will Combined
Last but not least, Benny "the Jet" soon to be featured in a weekly column entitled "Jetlag with Benny the Jet"


  1. I wish the question was "Who is most likely to commit a crime?" I think Ben would have a larger lead if that was the question.

  2. I don't know... i'd go with B.Weisz... looks like he'd sell you something expensive and broken.

  3. No, Creed, I Don't want a mustache ride and I don't want to pet your ferret. You make me feel uncomfortable in so many different ways.
    Go Buffs.
